한국식품영양과학회가 21일부터 23일까지 제주국제컨벤션센터에서 ‘Healthy Aging & Sustainable Life’를 주제로 2020년도 국제 심포지엄 및 정기 학술대회를 개최한다.

행사 첫날에는 명지대 서주원 교수가 ‘Research achievements of next generation Biogreen 21 project’를 주제로 기조강연을 하고, △Research and Development of Health Functional Foods △Advanced Food Technology △The Future of Food Safety Technology 등 7개 세션을 운영한다.

22일에는 숙명여대 성미경 교수가 ‘Energy homeostasis in cancer prevention: biomarkers and modulators’를 주제로 기조강연을 하고, △New Findings of Collagen Peptides △Green Tea and Microbiome △Development Related to Health and Aging in the Food Industry 등 14개 세션과 △Functional Compound, Probiotics, and Bioinformatics △Nutrients Metabolism and Health 등 2개 국제 세션을 운영한다.

오뚜기함태호재단은 22일 제22회 오뚜기 함태호 학술상 시상식을 갖고, 충북대 식품생명공학과 이준수 교수에게 오뚜기 함태호 학술상을 수여한다.

23일에는 △Multi-Functional Dietary Supplement Using Bioconversion Technology △Localizing Linkages for Food and Tourism Industry 등 7개 세션과 국제 세션 △Future Food Tech and Health을 운영하며, 학생 구두 발표와 ‘국내산 농산물을 활용한 고부가 스낵제품 개발 주제’ 제품 개발 경진대회를 개최한다.

전국식품공학교수협의회와 공동 주최로 열리는 제품 개발 경진대회에는 사전 평가를 거친 식품 및 영양 전공 대학(원) 재학생 8팀이 참가해 발표하고, 우수팀을 선정, 시상한다.

이와 함께 학술대회 기간 중에는 식품화학, 식품분석/품질, 식품가공/공학/물성, 식품저장/포장, 식품미생물/위생, 발효/효소, 영양소대사/영양생리/임상영양, 식생활 및 영양실태조사, 식품기능성/생리활성 등 분야에서 804편의 포스터를 발표한다.

한국식품영양과학회 2020년 국제 심포지엄 운영 세션

Session 1. Research and Development of Health Functional Foods
Session 2. Advanced Food Technology
Session 3. The Future of Food Safety Technology
Session 4. Fermented Vinegar and Functionality
Session 5. New Horizon of Nutritional Safety Management in Response to Changing Dietary Trends
Session 6. Advanced Approaches to Analysis the Chemical Risk Factors
Session 7. Start Up & the Successful Stories
Session 8. New Findings of Collagen Peptides
Session 9. Green Tea and Microbiome
Session 10. Development Related to Health and Aging in the Food Industry
Session 11. Science-Based Approach for Food Safety Risk Communication
Session 12. Personalized Food & Nutrition for Healthcare
Session 13. Technology Commercialization Strategy of Agri. Food Industry
Session 14. Probiotics and Health
Session 15. Functional Peptide Research
Session 16. Recent Research Trends of Korean Red Ginseng
Session 17. Functionality of Allulose and Nondigestible Maltodextrin and Their Industrial Application
Session 18. The Present and Future of Development of Health Functional Food-Recent Issues and Perspectives
Session 19. COVID-19 and Immune Modulating Foods
Session 20. Development of Healthy Food by Sustainable Innovation Technology
Session 21. Nutrition for Sarcopenia and Muscle Health
Session 22. Multi-Functional Dietary Supplement Using Bioconversion Technology
Session 23. Localizing Linkages for Food and Tourism Industry
Session 24. Current Issues about Meal Service and Special Dietary Foods for Healthy Aging
Session 25. Advances in Research in Immune Enhancing Functional Food
Session 26. Natural Products Applying to Immunotherapy
Session 27. Advanced Approaches for Ethics and Animal Alternative Methods Food and Nutritional Science
Session 28. Bridge 2 Food-Industry

International Session Ⅰ. Functional Compound, Probiotics, and Bioinformatics
International Session Ⅱ. Nutrients Metabolism and Health
International Session Ⅲ. Future Food Tech and Health

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