고려대 건강기능식품연구센터(센터장 박현진)는 10월 17일과 18일 양일간에 걸쳐 고려대 하나스퀘어 대강당에서  ‘The International Harmonization for Nano-food on Processing, Application and Regulation’을 주제로  나노식품 국제 심포지엄을 개최한다.

한국식품과학회, 식품의약품안전처, 세계식품공학회 나노식품위원회와 공동으로 개최하는 이번 심포지엄에는 세계 10개국 18명의 저명학자가 연사로 나서 나노식품의 제조, 활용 및 발전방안 등에 대한 최신 연구결과와 동향에 대해 발표한다.

10월 17일

Session 1 : Regulatory Issues Related with Nanofood

09:00 Advances in Research and Development of Nanotechnology for Food and Nutrition Applications and Implications
Dr. Hongda Chen (National Program Leader of Bioprocess Engineering and Nanotechnology, USDA, USA)

10:00 Toxicological Aspects of Food Grade Nanomaterials in Vitro and in Vivo: Toxicity, Biokinetics, and Biological Interaction
Prof. Soo-Jin Choi (Seoul Women’s University, Korea)

10:45 Safety Assessment Challenges for Nanofoods
Dr. Qasim Chaudhry (The Food and Environment Research Agency, UK)

11:45 Definition and Processing Procedure of Nanofoods
Prof. Hyun Jin Park (Korea University, Korea)

Session 2 : Applications of Nano Science and Technology in Food (1)

13:30 An Overview of Opportunities and Challenges of Food Nanoscience/Technology
Prof. Rickey Yada (University of Guelph, Canada)

14:30 Utilization of Starch for Aqueous Nano-Dispersion Preparation with Hydrophobic Bioactives
Prof. Seung-Taik Lim (Korea University, Korea)

15:00 Enzymatic Synthesis of Biopolymer-Based Nanocarrier
Prof. Young-Rok Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea)

16:00 Standardization and Definition of Food Nanotechnology in Taiwan
Prof. An-I (Andy) Yeh (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

17:00 Applications of Food Nanotechnology for the Advanced Organoleptic Characteristics
Prof. Mi-Jung Choi (Konkuk University, Korea)

10월 18일

Session 3 : Applications of Nano Science and Technology in Food (2)

09:30 Nanostructure of Milk and Food Nanotechnology in Australia
Prof. Bhesh Bhandari (University of Queensland, Australia)

10:30 Classification of Nanotechnology-Applied Food Ingredients
Prof. Sanghoon Ko (Sejong University, Korea)

11:15 Formulations of Nanotechnology-Applied Foods
Prof. Jun Tae Kim (Keimyung University, Korea)

11:45 Micro/Nano-Engineering for Formulation of Functional Foods
Prof. Mitsutoshi Nakajima (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

14:00 Nanotechnology for the Food Industry and Trends in Thailand
Dr. Chitsuda Chaisakdanugull (Rangsit University, Thailand)

15:00 Safety and Pathways of Intestinal Absorption for Chitosan Nanocarriers
Prof. Xi Guang Chen (Ocean University of China, China)

15:30 Novel Methods for Enhanced Payload and Photoprotection Capacity for Nanocarriers
Prof. Minh-Hiep Nguyen (Hochiminh University, Vietnam)

15:50 Skin Penetration for Nanocarriers
Prof. Ming Kong (Ocean University of China, China)

16:10 Round Table Discussion

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