상명대학교 외식영양학과는 15일 오후 2시 상명대 밀레니엄홀에서 ‘The Current Status and Future Success Strategies of Korean Food Globalization’을 주제로 국제 심포지엄을 개최한다.

14:00 개회식

Session I
14:20 Cultural aspects of foodservice in Vietnam(Guyen Minh Theuy, Can Tho University, Vietnam)
14:50 Korean food globalization business(Na-Young Lee, ET&Zeus co., Ltd.)

Session II
15:30 Evaluation of therapeutic effect of functional Bibimbap for the obesity treatment(Ji-Yun Hwang, Sangmyung University)
15:50 Current state of Korean restaurant and success strategies in Japan (Baba Akihiko, Miduhono Group, Japan)
16:20 Q&A

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